Sunday, 19 February 2012

The Plant Pot

I learnt this the hard way, only use tins with ring pulls, the tins you manually open will 
rip your fingers to shreds."

A good way to recycle food tins is to transform them into plant pots. Wash your tin out 
and peel off the label. Carefully drill a hole in the base of your tin, (for water drainage)
measure up the circumference and choose your desired covering. (Old books with large 
pictures from charity shops or car boots works wonders for craft projects) Finally, in a 
well ventilated area cover the tin with spray mount and affix paper. Once dry, add soil
and pot your plant. 

Alternatively you could use the tins for storing pencils, makeup brushes or utensils in 
your kitchen.  (no drilled hole in bottom of tin necessary)

The sewing book

Making an apron is probably the closest to any clothes item I will ever attempt. Unfortunately
my brain struggles to understand the concept of tailoring; even though my Readers Digest 
complete guide to sewing demonstrates all the techniques required. For my birthday this 
year my mother wrote on the sleeve of a new sewing book; 'Dearest Lilly, never give 
up on that bolster cushion. All our love Mum and Dad.' The day I successfully make a 
bolster cushion is the day I will start making clothes.