Sunday, 16 February 2014

The tick tock clock

Two months ago I perchased the mechanism required to make a clock. It took me a long time to decide how I wanted the clock to look but finally I made up my mind. I printed a picture from my favourite cartoon series and started cutting out the required pieces in fabric. Once I had sewn all my parts together I had to cut a hole in the wood to slot the clock mechanism inside. Then I stretched the fabric, put the hands in place, inserted a battery and voilĂ . 

The cookie cutter

I recently found a book in a charity shop that demonstrated beautifully unusual recipes and detailed methods for making and icing biscuits. This bible of sweet treats opened my eyes to the various ways of turning a simple sugar cookie into a work of art. For example, I would never have thought to cut a hole in the un cooked cookie that enabled me to make a lovely little hanging decoration.